Trailer | Three-minute Programme | Digav Aaditya Singh Rajput

2023-06-16 1

I am Aditya Singh and thank you for listening Three minute program. Basically, this program is not about Three minute.
This program is about our daily lives. We face a lot of questions. We see a lot of quotations and relatable posts on social media.

Maybe they are relatable to our lives or maybe we try to relate them because we want to follow the trend. So there are so many.
Questions in our mind like what is life, what is philosophy? Or many questions like how to be smart and how to become intelligent, how to be kind, how to be humble. I will try to encounter all of these questions on every Thursday, so I hope you will enjoy all these things and so,
Stay tuned and have fun.

Check out my podcast,
Three-minute Programme,
on Spotify